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About SMC Corporation (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd :: Largest Pneumatics Automation Industry

SMC Corporation (Vietnam) Co.Ltd is the Vietnam subsidiary of SMC Corporation, the world’s largest pneumatic automation products manufacturer with Rep Offices in Bac Ninh and Ho Chi Minh city. In 2011 SMC Pneumatics (VN) Co., Ltd is established affirming our leading role in pneumatics control equipment & devices as well bringing best services to customers. In Dec 2018, SMC Pneumatics (VN) Co., Ltd was renamed SMC Corporation (Vietnam) Co., Ltd

Our company in Ho Chi Minh city, Bac Ninh, Da Nang and 18 Sales Office along Vietnam have been closely working with distributors and customers for technical support and engineering development projects. Our pneumatics control equipment & devices offered range from valves like solenoid valve, 2 port valve, pneumatic valve, to thermo equipment like thermos-chillers and heat exchanger; from actuators, like electric actuator and linear actuator a myriad of electrostatic discharge removal equipment as well as air filter, air cylinder, air dryer, ionizer fan, robot cylinder, compressed air & etc.
